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Olympic Peninsula Paddlers
Note:  OPEN PLUS Paddles are open only to those members who have been certified by the Paddle Coordinator.   

Please contact the Paddle Coordinator to become certified prior to signing up for an OPEN PLUS Paddle.


  • New Members - What you need to know

    • Double check the required gear list in the Participant Guide to see if you've got all the right stuff. Be sure to take a look at the recommended gear. You want to make sure you're dressed for immersion, ready for the unexpected, have plenty of water, snacks/food and whatever else you need to stay comfy and happy on the water.
    • Before you get out on the water with OPP you must demonstrate your safety skills...this entails demonstrating a panic-free wet exit and being both a rescuer and the rescued in an assisted rescue.  You can get help preparing for this by contacting our Safety Skills Coordinator.  All members are required to demonstrate their safety skills on an annual basis.  If your skills demo has expired, there is a 30 day grace period allowed (you must have already demonstrated your skills in the previous year).
    • OPP offers two types of sponsored paddles, Open and Open Plus paddles. 
      • OPEN paddles - All OPP Members with required gear and current Safety skills are welcome.
      • OPEN PLUS paddles - Any paddles with 2B or higher rating. *If you have not paddled with the club before, please contact the Paddle Coordinator before signing up for an OPEN PLUS paddle*
    • We also encourage individuals to connect for Friends' paddles.
  • How to POC (Point of Contact) - Every club paddle has a POC coordinating the event

  • OPEN PLUS Paddlers Roster

  • Safety Information

  • Participant Guide

  • Common Hand/Paddle Signals

  • Paddle Ratings

  • Skills Demo Guidelines